Thursday, February 11, 2016

When 5 year olds are fat, SOMETHING MORE is going on!

Most 5 year olds can't get in the car and go through the drive through by themselves. They aren't cooking hamburgers in the kitchen. The fattening up of the world is an environmental problem beyond every one person in the world who is fat, getting "lazy" and deciding to overeat. Ever see a 5 year old? Most just want to play. They eat when hungry. So something more is going on. Sir Peter Gluckman needs to realize that he is right about not blaming the two year olds but needs to reexamine the causes of adult obesity. My opinion of the United Nations is not very high, I don't see them taking on Monsanto or the effect of GMOs. Something is severely wrong when 70% of ALL children are headed for obesity.


  1. Our food system is so bad. I really tried to go to a regular grocery chain to buy food; but it was filled with so many additives that would make me sick. I resent that I have to fork over most of my money just to get healthy food; while people buy carts of cheap food and then drive a nice car.
    I wish I could eat that crap and survive but it would kill my already fragile body.
    Yes, something weird is going on. I question the amount of vaccines they push at such a young age. All the additives,gmos, sugar, processed foods, environmental toxins, societal stress, and yes chemtrails. I believe in chemtrails. They strangely have ceased to be very often where I live but hear others are being bombarded. I have eyes. I believe my eyes.
    I didn't realize it was as high as 70%.

    1. It is so hard to get expensive food. I use a combo of ethnic markets and Aldis, sometimes will go to the expensive grocery store but for single items. It drives me crazy how the healthier something is, the more they have upped the price. With children, their food is the WORSE too even more then adults, the chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, sweets, its a toxic stew. Ah I have some chicken nuggets in my freezer not my first choice food--husband bought them but you know what I mean. I cook first if I have good stuff. Maybe only exception is some cabbage. Chemtrails are real. Right in front of my eyes too.

  2. My grandmother could take a sack of flour, some baking soda, and nondescript cuts of meat and turn it into a better meal than you can find anywhere. I don't know if I am making your point. I am just telling you what I saw her do all my life. No additives. No mixes. And meat that a shoe factory would reject.

    1. I buy my beef and pork directly from a farmer, in bulk (20-pound variety packages) that cost less than the grocery store. I also buy whole chickens, eggs, milk and dairy products from the farm. No additives, just plain food your grandmother would have recognized and your great-grandmother probably raised. 10 hours in a crockpot will turn even the toughest cut of meat into something delicious. Chicken nuggets are not "children's food"; there is no such thing as "children's food"--that's just a marketing scheme to sell junk. All over the world where people are healthier than here, children eat what their parents eat.

  3. Thanks on the chemtrails. I hate when people deny something soooo obvious. If it were contrails,shouldn't we be having a discussion of the toxicity of them..
    Yes why does it cost more for healthy food and food with less ingredients. I mean the maker forgoes buying 5 additives. So why does it cost more.. It's rigged..
    Also I think it costs more because most people would rather have a nice car than healthy food. Or a big screen tv ans an ipod.. So less people buy it so they can up the price..

    1. What is theory about conspiracy? I know they have closed down tons of discourse in this society even about obesity because of the "tin-hatters" you know. Those foil hat wearing freaks need to shut up when they see weird lines in the sky that make no sense--and the birds and little kids fattening up. yeah less additives means less purchasing of items but the foods with less additives cost more. The people in my local town seem to hate health food, not sure what is going on with that. Even my last small town had the hippie health food co-op with good stuff in bulk that I shopped at all the time.

  4. I read an article that mentioned that even the L.A. pigeons were getting fatter! I have notice myself that the local pigeons in one park have a habit of flying in a flock about five feet off the ground as though they can't get their tail feathers off the ground without a lot of effort.

    1. But don't you know it, those pigeons are a bunch of
      "fatty two by fours" who just don't know better to push away from the table...think about this people used to feed the pigeons more often, when I was a kid I saw people feeding birds in cities and parks all the time and they are getting fatter irregardless. Hey birds are nibbling at the GMO fields and crops too.
